The growing healthcare crisis in Europe and the US increases and intensifies the workload for nursing personell. A symptom of that crisis is an ever increasing administrativ effort that consumes an enormous amount of time during daily routines in clinics and other healthcare institutions. Xsight optics aims to solve that and other issues with a novel contactless sensor technology that is both versatile in its application and mobile to use. The hand-held sensor under development aims to be a technology platform that can be used either for routine measurements of vital parameters or as a standalone monitoring system for long-term observation. One of the key features of the device is its seamless integration into clinical data-infrastructures (such as ERP systems like COPRA).
Patient related data like heart rate or oxygen saturation are measured contactlessly using several specialized optical detection methods. All data is processed on-device and then sent securely to a local data server. Everything happens automatically and under control by nursing personell.
Oriented on the demands of doctors and nurses, using Xsight Optics’ hand-held device will increase safety by allowing for proper distancing to infectious patients. In the same way, patient comfort is increased due to the non-intrusive nature of the procedure. The need for more safety and felt comfort became acutely apparent with consequences from the Covid-19 pandemic. Many healthcare professionals face tremendous mental and physical stress on a daily basis. Moreover, infectious threats such as MRSA will still be around in the future and are contained best by safe distancing and minimizing cross-infections.
Xsight Optics is at its core a medical technology company that aims to solve prevalent issues in modern healthcare. The backbone of the technology behind Xsight Optics are advanced concepts from medical optics and photonics together with modern digital standards.
Collaborating with clinical and industrial partners, Xsight Optics develops ready-to-use prototypes of a mobile, contactless medical sensor device. To achieve both clinical and market readiness several studies will be performed at partner clinics, testing applicability, consumer compliance, and certifying the technology. Besides technological development these studies will also gather valuable data. Data that can be used to train artificial intelligence (AI).
Combining both advanced optical technology and precise AI-supported algorithms Xsight Optics’ sensor will be able to perform multiple measurement tasks for which, usually, several cable-based monitoring systems would be necessary.
Our prototype development focuses particularly on user friendly handling of the device. This entails ergonomic look and feel, an elegant user interface, and automatic data processing. Guided by the stringent demands in healthcare the entire development process is an interdisciplinary effort. For that matter, Xsight Optics works closely with doctors and nurses from different medical disciplines. Furthermore, in order to adhere to the best digital standards we are collaborating with experts for clinical ERP systems.
The portable sensor we develop should not only compare to current gold standard technology but also alleviate daily clinical routines.

Benefits for Patients
- Increased patient safety by optimizing the documentation process and reduction of transcription errors
- Increased comfort due to contactless measurement (no more cables, irritated skin or false alarms due to detached sensors like finger clips)
- Secure and comfortable measurements, especially over night (no more singular measurements at a certain point of time, interrupting sleep; more time for nursing personell to care and supervise)
Perspective healthcare personell /nursing staff
- Relief of workload by performing multiple routine tasks at once and elimination of documentation time due to automatic data transfer
- Lower risk of infection to safe distance and minimized contact while performing measurements
Process optimization
- Reduced administration effort due to reduced documentation time (automatic data transfer in ERP systems such as COPRA and easier to perform measurements)
- Viewer transcription errors while collecting and processing data, improving interface management
- Integration into employee training programs (SkillsLab)
Financial benefits
- Reduction of consumables and expand items (e.g. protective clothing, disinfectant, detachable electrodes) as well easier achievable hygienic measures
- Saved time by automating and simplifying workflows (measurement and documentation